Effective Date: No later than March 24, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Why: To support the need to stay at home during a public health crisis
On March 23, 2020, Governor Walz signed Emergency Executive Order 20-14 suspending evictions and writs of recovery for the term of the COVID-19 peacetime emergency. This Executive Order keeps people stably housed and prevents displacement during this health emergency.
Note that evictions and terminations are allowed in cases where the tenant seriously endangers the safety of other residents or for violation of 504B.171, subd. 1 (certain unlawful activities).
This order took effect on March 24, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. and applies to households in their homes as of March 1, 2020. For more information about this order, please see Summary of Executive Order 20-14 and Frequently Asked Questions about Executive Order 20-14 (includes a referral list for property owners, renters, financial institutions, and borrowers).
What is Suspended During This Order?
- Filing residential evictions
- Lease terminations
- Carrying out a Writ of Recovery: Enforcing an eviction through forcible removal of a household by a sheriff or other officer
The order also requests that lenders suspend foreclosures.Tenants and homeowners continue to be responsible to pay rent and mortgage payments on time.
For Tenants:
- Rent is not reduced or waived during this suspension. Once the suspension has ended, owners can file for evictions and removals can be enforced.
- If you do not pay your rent, it could cause credit problems that will impact future housing options and those payments are critical for landlords/owners to pay their bills.
- Having trouble making rent? First, be in touch with your landlord right away. Reach out early to discuss potential payment plans or accommodations. Second, you may be eligible for assistance.
- Local units of government (including counties and housing and redevelopment authorities) and nonprofits administer emergency assistance and short-term rental assistance programs that may be available. You may be eligible for other government programs as well depending on your circumstances.
- Many programs, including emergency assistance, can be accessed through the Department of Human Services. Or you can reach out to your county through their website or by phone.
- Short-term rental assistance through Minnesota Housing’s Family Homelessness Prevention program may also be available. Find your local program and contact them for assistance.
- For other resources and referrals, please call:
United Way 211: Free and confidential health and human services information for people in Minnesota.
Website: www.211unitedway.org
Call: 211 or 651.291-0211
Toll Free: 800.543-7709
Text: Text your ZIP code to 898211 for information
Text MNCOVID to 898211 for COVID Resources
*Language assistance available in Español (Spanish) and Hmong
For Homeowners:
- If you are having trouble paying your mortgage, contact your lender right away.
- If you stop making payments you could be risking losing your home in the future as well as credit problems.
- You may have heard that some lenders are suspending foreclosures, but you should talk to your lender and a counselor to make sure you understand your circumstances.
- There are resources available if homeowners need financial assistance. Check the Minnesota Homeownership Center website to review options available.
For More Information
Minnesota Housing has additional summary materials and frequently asked questions about Executive Order 20-14 on their website.
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